Leganto Study Confidentiality & Consent Form

Request Description

Leganto: A new approach to course reserves

Principal Investigator: Debra Kolah
Co-PI: Sue Garrison, Amanda Thomas, Heidi Vieira

The purpose of this study is to understand the current practices of faculty, students and instructors with course reserves.  We consider the new library system tool,  Leganto, and how it might realize cost savings for the university, and help students to more easily access course content. Additionally, we explore best practices for training needs of faculty and students for course reserves.

You are being asked to participate in this study because your feedback will help us to ensure that the workflow of course reserves serves our faculty and students in the best way possible, and to develop our understanding of your use of course readings.

You will be asked to participate in a 30 to 60-minute interview, which may include usability tasks. If you are faculty or an instructor,  we will explore how you currently provide course readings to your students. If you are a student, we will explore how you access and use course materials. For in-person interviews, we will record via an external recorder. For Zoom interviews, we will record the interview to the cloud. Recordings will be kept and analyzed for themes, and then destroyed after 1 year. Small clips of interviews may be used for viewings with stakeholders within the library.

If you choose to remain anonymous, the recording(s) of your interview will not be shared, and your name will not appear in the report or in reference to this project. 

There may be no personal benefit to you from your participation but the knowledge received will be of considerable value to Fondren Library. Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may choose to participate or withdraw your consent or discontinue your participation in the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits or rights to which you might otherwise be entitled.

Feel free not to respond to any questions or prompts or to end the session at any time. Whether or not you choose to participate will have no bearing on your standing in any department of Rice University.

If you have questions about this study,  you may contact:

If you believe that your rights have been violated in any way, please contact Stephanie Thomas, irb@rice.edu.

You may keep a copy of this form for reference

Investigator Name:
Participant Name: