Librarians Assembly



The purpose of the Librarians Assembly is to deal with matters of concern to the professional staff of Fondren Library and to advise the University Librarian. All librarians with professional appointments have voting membership in the Librarians' Assembly. The governing body of the assembly is the Executive Committee, and ad hoc and standing committees are appointed as needed. The Librarians Assembly is also governed by Rice University Policy Number 817: Rules and Procedures for Ranked Professional Librarians.

Career Advancement Program (CAP) Review Committee

The Career Advancement Program (CAP) is maintained for ranked Professional Librarians and consists of rigorous peer review of all librarians eligible for promotion, and is a separate process from the annual performance review conducted by each librarian's supervisor. A CAP Review Committee is composed of five members, three of whom are elected by the Librarians Assembly with the other two appointed by the Vice Provost and University Librarian. Specific processes and guidelines for promotion are outlined in the CAP document.