The class covers U.S. trademark searching using the trademark searching platform from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
This class is best taken following Intellectual Property Basics.
Trademark searching is taught every four weeks at the same time.
Note: The scope of the class does not include patent searching.
Attendees should have basic mastery of keyboard/mouse skills and familiarity with Internet browsing and searching to best appreciate and benefit from the course.
The instructor suggests that attendees follow along in real time using the search tool.
- Independent entrepreneurs in the community. This course is free and open to the public!
- Rice students, staff, and faculty.
(Academic trademark researchers can contact the Kelley Center at to discuss alternative class arrangements.)
Advance registration is required. Please register online. If you need to cancel your reservation, please send an email to, so people on the waiting list can take the class.
- It is your responsibility to notify the instructor if you will no longer be able to attend.
- If you miss a course without notifying staff by the day of the course, your registration for all future courses will be canceled.
There is no charge.
Please see our Short Course Registration Policy