Provides the guidance for the Library's services and role in the University. Supports the daily operations of the Library and its staff.
Fondren Library Closed Tuesday, January 21. Limited Access Available Wednesday, January 22 from Noon to 5:00pm.
Fondren Library remains closed for Tuesday, January 21. Limited access to the building through the west entrance, and limited services will be available on Wednesday, January 22, from noon to 5pm for Rice ID Card Holders only.
Please monitor for campus closure information.
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Containing over 200,000 volumes related to art, architecture, classical archaeology and music, this collection supports the fine arts departments of Rice University.
Fondren Library is a Climate Resilience Hub
Offers access to and service for United States and Texas state government information, patents and trademarks, statistical data, maps, and microform collections.
Builds and manages information collections in all formats.
Supports the use of multimedia in teaching, research and creative expression by providing tools, equipment and training (including short courses)
Supports projects and activities for creating, disseminating and preserving digital scholarship at Rice.
The Fondren Fellows program funds Rice undergraduate or graduate students to conduct research or teaching projects sponsored by Fondren Library that involve skills, collections, spaces, or services related to libraries and archives.
Manages records of collection use and building access by general community users, course materials readings, and shelving/reshelving of print library materials.
Seeks to heighten community and alumni interest in Fondren Library and to support academic programs at Rice University by funding library collections and facilities.
Home to Fondren Library's business and management collection, the BIC is located in the Jones Business School.
Provides geographic information systems software and data assistance.
Offers access to and service for United States and Texas state government information, patents and trademarks, statistical data, maps, and microform collections.
Provides off-site, preservation housing for low-use library materials
Provides research assistance and instruction in the use of library resources.
The Research Data Services team supports Rice researchers throughout the research data lifecycle.
Manages all business functions relating to the acquisition, analysis and discovery, and preservation of library collections regardless of media or format.
Researches and enhances the user experience with usability testing, focus groups, and ethnographic interviews.
Stewards the rarest of library artifacts, while assembling and organizing the institutional records of Rice University.